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10 Best American Foods: Traditional USA Dishes

Let’s find out what are the ten ‘traditional’ American dishes you simply must try while exploring this vast country.

When we talk about American foods we talk about a blend of different styles and tastes brought by immigrants over the centuries, and depending on the region where they settled you can now find distinct cuisine definitely worth trying. The combinations and blends of different cultures that make the US such an interesting melting pot are the same ones that make their food unique. So let’s find out what are the ten ‘traditional’ American dishes you simply must try while exploring this vast country.

#1 The cronut

Ah, yes, the one and only cronut. This is innovative dish is a blend, as the name suggests, of a croissant and doughnut. A French pastry chef, Dominique Ansel came up with the concept in May 2013, in New York. From that moment on the craze was real, with lines still going around the block in front of his bakery. 

The cronut combines the crispiness of croissants and goodness of doughnuts, you simply have to try it, it is bound to be love at first sight.

#2 Barbeque Ribs

Ribs, in general, are an American delicacy. It is a must try dish, of course, depending on the location preparation tends to differ. Still the most popular are, without a doubt, barbecue ribs. Juicy, tasty and mouth-watering. Just be prepared to get elbow deep in the tasty juices. Of course, there are different barbecue styles practiced in different regions, so you can try the same dish in different states and be surprised how diverse and exciting the tastes can get.

#3 Mac and Cheese

Simple, yet mouthwatering. You won’t find a household in the US that doesn’t have this dish included in their regular cuisine. This casserole baked in the oven is considered America’s ultimate comfort food. The best ones contain a mix of different cheese types so that it has that strong taste and the optimal creaminess. It is hard to destroy this dish, so feel free to experiment, you might surprise yourself with how great your final product will be.

#4 Hot Dogs

Hot Dogs, get your hot dogs! This is something you are bound to hear on the streets of each major city in the US. It is essential snack, and a must have at a baseball game. Simple, yet delicious, a basic hot dog, between two slices of a bun and covered with mustard and ketchup. Great comfort food, quick and simple to make and a fan favourite all around the States.

#5 The All American Burger

No, no, not the ones you might get at a McDonalds or Burger King. But the ones that are prepared in backyards all over the country come 4th of July. The big juicy peace of minced beef between two buns garnished with a bit of vegetables and different dressings. There is nothing tastier than having a burger, fresh off the grill and while you hold a cold beer in the other hand. You will definitely feel very American.

#6 Apple Pie

One of the most comforting smells is that of a freshly baked apple pie, it simply takes you back to your childhood and gives you a warm feeling around your heart. Apple pies have been a part of American cuisine for centuries, they are easy to make and the whole family gathers to have a slice. The simple combination of sugar, buttery pastry and tart sliced apples produces a dessert that is a must try for anyone visiting the US.

#7 Clam Chowder

Visiting Boston without having a taste of this renowned dish might just get you arrested. The fragrant soup is sold everywhere, and let’s be honest it does not have the best presentation, it is quite lumpy and white, but once you have a taste you will be asking for more. Get a bread bowl, dip some in and enjoy the sheer perfection of this unique dish.

#8 Deep Dish Pizza

The very American take on pizza. Just when you thought there was nothing else to do with this dish they come up with a new one. Native to Chicago, the name says it all, the dish in which it is prepared is deep, which means that the crust rises up and the amount of cheese that can fit on top is staggering, so be prepared for an artery blockage after a slice.

#9 S’mores

It might seem unusual to start with something sweet, but we want to mix it up a little. There hasn’t been a TV show or a move that, if it contains a bonfire scene, hasn’t included this particular dish. Easy to make, believed by kids everywhere s’mores are an absolute essential part of growing up in the US. The simplicity of this dish is what makes it ideal for family gatherings, s’mores are basically roasted marshmallows and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between 2 pieces of graham cracker. Don’t miss trying one of two of these over a nice bonfire, you are bound to love them.

#10 Maryland Crabcakes

The Chesapeake Bay is the home of the blue crab. Fried, broiled, or baked, crab cakes can be made with any kind of crab, but the blue crabs are a definite favourite. Here simplicity in preparation is the key to getting the ideal dish.

We have come to an end of our list. Of course, there are many more delicious and amazing dishes that await you, just keep an open mind and take a bit. You won’t regret it!


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Written by Zara Lewis

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