Tripcurated is a collection of lists about everything and anything related to travel. We accept guest posts and allow you to write for us as long as they meet the following guidelines.
Guest Article Guidelines
- Must be related to Travel or Travelling.
- We prefer post to be in the format of a Top List, for example 10 Best Hotels In London or 7 Must See attractions in NYC
- At least 500 words in total (preferably 10 x 100 words per list)
- You can include the authors name and 1 link back to your website.
If you would like to submit your own list please contact us at [email protected] You can include a link back to your website or service. You can also register and add using the link below.
MP4 or YouTube embed, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.
A collection of images
Facebook post, Twitter status, etc.
External site's link
Open list
Everyone can submit new list items and vote up for the best submission
Ranked list
Everyone can vote up for the best list item
Classic list
A list-based article